Home Depot Blasted For Schooling Employees On Their ‘White Privilege’

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Home Depot Blasted For Schooling Employees On Their ‘White Privilege’

A Canadian branch of Home Depot is being blasted after it reportedly shared a notice to employees about the benefits of “white privilege.”

The checklist that was shared was targeted towards white, male, Christian, cisgender, able-bodied, and heterosexual and was posted at a Home Depot lounge in Calgary, Alberta.

The company notice defines white privilege as “societal privileges that benefit white people beyond what is commonly experienced by people of color under the same social, political, and economic circumstances.”

The checklist tells its employees “if you’re confident the police exist to protect you, you have white privilege.”

“If while growing up, college was an expectation of you, not a dream, you have class privilege.”

“If you can expect time off from work to celebrate your religious holidays, you have Christian privilege.”

“If you can use public bathrooms without stares, fear or anxiety, you have cisgender privilege.”

“If you don’t have to worry about how to get into a store, you have the able-bodied privilege.”

“If you don’t have to explain that your spouse is of the same gender, you have heterosexual privilege.”

In addition, the checklist writes that racism equals racial prejudice and power.

“Racial prejudice is a set of discriminatory or derogatory attitudes based on assumptions coming from preconceptions about race/skin color,” added the policy.

“Power is the authority granted through social structures and conventions as well as the access to means of communications and resources. This can include authority, privilege, influence, popularity, aggression/threat, etc.”

A rep for The Home Depot in question emailed a statement to the Cobb County Courier,

“While we fully support diversity across our company, this material was not created or approved by our corporate diversity, equity and inclusion department. This was a resource in our Canadian division and not part of any required programming.”

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