Grand Juror Files Motion Against AG Daniel Cameron Over Breonna Taylor Case’s Decision

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One of the jurors involved in Breonna Taylor’s case has filed a motion against Attorney General Daniel Cameron stating he botched the decision process.

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The motion was filed early Monday after the juror discovered several errors made by Cameron and wants all documentation to be released based on the controversial nature of the case. The documentation states that the grand juror wants the release of transcripts and recordings leading up to their decision regarding Taylor’s case and the right to release the information on their own terms based on KRS 418.040.

It reads, “Grand Juror seeks for the Court to make a binding declaration that Grand Juror, and any additional members of this grand jury, has the right to disclose information and details about the process of the grand jury proceedings held in Jefferson County, Kentucky regarding the above case known as the Breonna Taylor case and any potential charges presented or not to the events surrounding that matter.”

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The documentation also breaks down a timeline regarding the grand jury’s decision after being presented with the evidence and Cameron’s press conference. The statements that he made during the press conference were also documented in the motion.

“Attorney General Cameron made many definitive remarks during his press conference. Among them, he stated that his office’s investigation found “…..and the grand jury agreed that Mattingly and Cosgrove were justified in return of deadly fire after having been fired upon Kenneth Walker”’

Cameron also stated the grand jury proceedings were a secret after he was questioned about making a recommendation during their decision and said “What I will say is that we presented all of the information and they ultimately made a determination about whether to charge. In this instance, they decided to indict Detective Hankinson.”

Former LMPD officer Brett Hankinson was indicted for wanton endangerment and he along with his colleagues, Cosgrove and Mattingly, was not charged for the death of Breonna Taylor.

Socialites share your thoughts on this new development in the Yappa comment box below and we will continue to keep you updated as more details are revealed.

SOURCE: Kentucky Trial Court Review 


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