Young Thug’s Legal Team Files Motion To Remove Judge Glanville From The YSL RICO Case 

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Young Thug and his legal team is convinced that they will not be able to have a fair trial unless the judge handling his case is swiftly removed. According to TMZ, the rapper has formally submitted the necessary documentation to try and get the judge removed from the case. 

The news outlet recently obtained legal documents filed by Young Thug’s legal team on Monday, which request the complete disqualification or recusal of Judge Ural D. Glanville. As we all know this the judge who has been overseeing Young Thug’s criminal case in Atlanta. 

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Thug’s reasoning for this move is similar to his attorney Brian Steel, who was recently found in contempt for raising concerns about potential misconduct by the judge. As we previously shared, Steel alleged that Judge Glanville may have conducted a private meeting with defendant Kenneth “YSL Woody” Copeland without the presence of others, a situation that Young Thug and his team are objecting to. 

Interestingly, the judge did not deny the occurrence of the meeting. Instead, he attempted to have Steel jailed for failing to disclose how he obtained this information. As of now, no definitive ruling has been made on the matter, and Young Thug is pushing the issue forward by filing this motion in court.

RELATED: WATCH: Lawyers In Young Thug’s YSL RICO Trial Got Into A Heated Argument — Deputy Had To Step In

Young Thug is also advocating for a mistrial, although his efforts have not yielded much success thus far. In the meantime, Steel will continue to be free while his contempt of court charge is being appealed. A decision on Thug’s motion has not been made by the judge yet.

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