Tyrese Calls Out President Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Over Anti-Asian Hate Crime Bill: ‘Where Is That Same F***ing Law For Black And Brown People?’

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Tyrese is calling out President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris over their Anti-Asian Hate Crime Bill and demanding to know, “Where is that same f***ing law for Black and Brown people?”

RELATED: Senate Passes Anti-Crime Bill In Response To Wave Of Violence Against Asians

During a recent Instagram Live, singer Tyrese spoke with civil rights attorney Ben Crump and in an impassioned conversation, he demanded to know where are the anti-hate crime bills for Black and Latino Americans.

In a clip pulled from the August 29th IG Live, Tyrese begins, “President Biden and Kamala Harris signed an Asian Hate Crime Bill, which makes it beyond illegal to ever purposely or maliciously do anything to anybody in the Asian community. And there was a spike in crimes and criminal behavior in and around COVID allegedly and specifically motivated by Donald Trump.”

He continued, “And so everybody started treating Asians… beating them, killing them, shooting them, stabbing them, hurting them. And then [Biden] gets into the White House and skips over every Black and Brown Mexican and Latino that has been getting killed like flies and he makes it a low: Asian Hate Crime Bill. It’s signed into law.”

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The singer added, “So, whether you’re a police officer or regular civilian, if you wake up on a Wednesday and say, ‘He’s Asian (a woman or a man). Let’s go do something bad to them’ — which God forbid, would ever happen again. But, there is a crime bill that was signed into law that protects Asians at all costs.”

Tyrese then demanded an answer from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, asking, “Where is that same f***ing law to be signed into law when it comes to Black and Brown people? Because what you’re doing is — President Biden and Kamala Harris — what you’re doing is, you’re saying that Black and Brown people will continue to be disposable. That sh*t doesn’t make sense.”

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Ben Crump agreed throughout Tyrese’s address and added, “That’s why we got to vote and we got to make sure our voices are heard, Tyrese. And it matters. When we speak up and speak truth to power. When we speak what’s on our hearts, we will be heard. But, first, you got to have the courage to speak up and that’s why I love you, Tyrese. You speak your heart and your heart will never fail you.”

As a refresher, on May 20, 2021, Congress and President Biden signed into law the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act. The law notably addressed the “dramatic increase in hate crimes and violence against Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders” following the spread of COVID-19 in 2020. The law reported that there were nearly 3,800 reported cases of anti-Asian discrimination and incidents related to COVID-19 between March 19, 2020 and February 29, 2021 in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

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