Transgender Woman Suing New York Yoga Studio For $5 Million After Being Banned From Women’s Locker Room

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A transgender woman is suing a Manhattan, New York yoga studio for $5 million after she learned that she was banned from the women’s locker room.

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Transgender Woman Suing New York Yoga Studio For $5 Million After Being Banned From Women’s Locker Room   

Ali Miles, who also goes by the name of Dylan Miles depending on the mood, has filed her third gender-identity discrimination lawsuit in New York City within the last 13 months.

In Miles’ latest trans-rights lawsuit brought against a small business, she is claiming that a yoga studio called, Hot Yoga Chelsea on West 27th Street, barred her from using their women’s locker room and bathrooms.

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Miles, who is a native of Arizona, says she was born a biological male, but is “in the process of transitioning into [a] woman.” Miles reveals she wears women’s clothing and is undergoing hormone therapies.

In her $5 million lawsuit, Miles claims that on May 4, she arrived for a 5 p.m. class at Hot Yoga Chelsea and when she went to use the women’s locker room, she was told she could not use the area. However, Miles went and used the area anyway, which resulted in several biological women complaining.

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In court documents, it is reported, “Female patrons complained and yelled at Miles about Miles’ presence and use of the single-sex locker room and bathroom labeled women, and they demanded Miles leave and cease using the facilities.”

One of the witnesses at the scene of the incident said that Miles’ behavior inside of the women’s locker room that day was “disturbing.” Speaking with The New York Post, the witness explained, “We have other transgender people [at Chelsea Hot Yoga], we have several trans women and several trans men, and there’s never been a problem … it’s this individual.”

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The witness continued, “This person who claims to be a transitioning woman came into the female locker room, number one, in male shorts that were down to his knees. Although there could be some hormonal addition because his bust is bigger than mine, he did not wear any feminine top to cover his bust. He also de-robed, and he is a full male. There’s 150% man. There were things hanging out.”

The witness added, “It wasn’t even like he was just standing there. He was crouched down on the floor in front of the shower stalls. It was very uncomfortable for one of the women that was in there and she was completely naked. This person started in immediately with reciting the law, and why would you do that? Because this person could see that there were other women, amongst myself, that were notably upset …This person, I don’t know if they come to these places to try to start a problem or whatever.”

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