Transgender Man Who Gave Birth Goes Off On Nurses Who Called Him ‘Mom’

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Transgender Man Who Gave Birth Goes Off On Nurses Who Called Him ‘Mom’

A transgender man was not here for the nurses at a hospital calling him a “mother” after he gave birth.

Los Angeles resident Bennett Kasper-Williams was not happy with his experience at the hospital he was at. The 37-year-old gave birth via caesarean to a healthy baby boy, but spoke out after he was troubled by constant misgendering statements.

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“No one can ever really know whether having children is possible until you try — being born with a uterus doesn’t make conceiving or carrying a certainty,” the father — who began transitioning in 2014 — shared of his parenthood journey. “That’s why it’s so important that we stop defining ‘womanhood’ in terms of ‘motherhood,’ because it’s a false equivalency that all women can become mothers, that all mothers carry their children, or that all people who carry children are mothers.” 

Kasper-Williams began his transition in 2014 after he realized he was trans in 2011. He saved his money to pay for a $5,000 surgery which was for the top part of his body but not for the bottom.

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“It was really liberating,” he said of the surgery to remove his breasts. “I never could have anticipated what a relief it would be to find them gone. It was a huge weight off my shoulders.”

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