Singapore Professor Gives 2-Hour Lecture On Zoom & At End Realizes He Was On Mute

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Singapore Professor Gives 2-Hour Lecture On Zoom & At End Realizes He Was On Mute

At the end of his 2-hour lecture on Zoom, a Singapore professor, who teaches mathematics, discovered that he was on mute for the entire time!

After lecturing for nearly two hours, Professor Dong Wang of National University of Singapore was told by his students, which consists of a class of roughly 20,  that a few minutes after starting, his screen froze and went on mute for the rest of his presentation. When told by a student of the situation, Professor Wang looks worried, begins to almost hyperventilate, and then begins to accept his fate and offer to redo the lecture at a later date.

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It’s reported by one student, Azusa Chan, that several students tried to get Professor Wang’s attention during the fiasco. Chan says, “Students tried all sorts of things to get his attention by unmuting and even calling his phone number. However, he did not respond and continued with the lesson. The participant count dwindled as time went on, as students could not contact the prof and had no other recourse. What you see here are 20+ students who waited patiently for two hours for the prof to come back.” Moving forward, Professor Wang will keep his phone near him during lectures.

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