School Board Member Resigns After Taking Zoom Meeting On Toilet

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School Board Member Resigns After Taking Zoom Meeting On Toilet

A New Jersey woman resigned from the school board this week after broadcasting her toilet break in front of 140 Zoom meeting attendees.

The Daily Voice reports that Frances Cogelja resigned as a trustee of the Hackensack Board of Education after he took her laptop to the bathroom and left the camera on. All students and other board trustees witnessed her relieve herself.

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The board’s vice president, Scott James-Vickery, addressed the incident,

“As far as I’m concerned, while our teachers are being professional and you’re at home, sitting on the toilet, we are moving on with this district doing what’s best,” he said.

Cogelja was reached by the NY Post and she declined to comment,

“I will not have a statement,” she said.

Cogelja previously went viral for saying she was“disgusted and appalled” by a new law requiring LGBT history to be taught in schools.

“I find it repugnant that someone’s sexual preferences have anything to do with their contributions or achievements in society,” Cogelja said. “Everywhere I turn, this alternate lifestyle narrative is being shoved (down) our children’s throats. Where does it end???”

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