Salvador Ramos Was Extremely Violent Towards Women “For No Reason”

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Former classmates of Robb Elementary shooter Salvador Ramos say he was known to be very violent towards women and displayed “unpredictable” behavior.

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Keanna Baxter,17, said Ramos used to date her ex-friend and always gave off an “eerie” sense whenever she was near him. “He dated my ex-friend. And then they broke up And then he tried to date me after that, but I told him no. Because he always had this kind of eerie sense about him,” she explained.

“She told me that he was scary. Like he would get super violent. And when he would lose his temper, she would literally be scared for her life, basically. He would send her these really nasty messages, where he’d go from super sweet to screaming at her back to super sweet. He was overall just aggressive, like violent. He would try and fight women. He would try and fight anyone who told him no — if he didn’t get his way, he’d go crazy. He was especially violent towards women.

“The people that did try and give him a chance to be friends with, he scared them away. He was a bully, really. If you didn’t give him what he wanted, he was a bully to you,” she added.

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According to the New York Post, one of the people he threatened was former classmate Crystal Foutz,17. He sent her disturbing messages on Instagram after he was involved in an argument with her ex-boyfriend. Foutz said it felt like harassment and Ramos “was aggressive for no reason. … I just blocked him.”

“Another friend of mine, when she worked with him, there was an incident between a girlfriend and a boyfriend. He tried to fight the girlfriend. And it really was over nothing. Just because he was aggressive like that.”

As previously reported, Ramos exhibited disturbing behavior around his close friends. One friend said he showed up at the park to play basketball with cuts on his face. Ramos told Santos Valdez Jr. that he cut himself  “for fun.”

“Then he told me the truth, that he’d cut up his face with knives over and over and over. I was like, ‘You’re crazy, bro, why would you do that?’”

Baxter added that Ramos was known as a loner and bully because he would often try to scare them away.

“He didn’t have any friends. To be honest, no one ever spoke to him. Just because people were genuinely afraid of him. We all thought maybe they’re going to do it to the high school — because we’ve gotten threats before,” she said. But not to the kids. It should have been us. There was no reason to go and hurt those kids. None of us are like that. None of us have that kind of hate in our heart to do something like that or know how this ever could have happened.”

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