Palm Beach Officials Considering Evicting Donald Trump From Mar-A-Lago

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Palm Beach Officials Considering Evicting Donald Trump From Mar-A-Lago

Donald Trump could be getting the boot from his beloved Mar-a-Lago.

Business Insider reports that Palm Beach, Florida, officials are gathering to discuss whether Donald Trump will be permitted to remain at his Mar-a-Lago resort after a few neighbors claimed that he wasn’t legally entitled to.

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According to a 1993 agreement when Mar-a-Lago was converted from a private residence into a member’s club, it prevents Trump or others else from living there more than three times a year.

“Palm Beach is a very sedate place,” says resident Laurence Leamer. “It’s highly unlikely the town will go after him, because his legal argument would be that he has violated these rules for years, so why would they suddenly go after him today.”

Trump and Melania have reportedly been the most relaxed in years at the resort, with the former President taking a step back from the public eye.

Trump’s lawyers claim that the legal case has “no merit” as the 1993 agreement for Mar-a-Lago does not apply to the owner of the property, Trump.

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