Mark Zuckerberg Refuses To Flag Trump’s Inflammatory ‘Looting & Shooting’ Comment On Facebook & Instagram

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Mark Zuckerberg Refuses To Flag Trump’s Inflammatory ‘Looting & Shooting’ Comment On Facebook & Instagram

While Twitter confronts and flags President Donald Trump‘s “looting and shooting” comments, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg does the opposite and refuses to flag the inflammatory remarks on Facebook and Instagram.

Zuckerberg claims he “struggled” with how to respond to the President’s posts. Although, he admits that Trump’s posts included a “troubling historical reference” and that he “disagree[s] strongly with how the President spoke about this,” he still choose to leave the posts un-flagged.

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He explains, “I know many people are upset that we’ve left the President’s posts up, but our position is that we should enable as much expression as possible unless it will cause imminent risk of specific harms or dangers spelled out in clear policies. People can agree or disagree on where we should draw the line, but I hope they understand our overall philosophy is that it is better to have this discussion out in the open, especially when the stakes are so high.”

Zuckerberg goes on to compare his policies at Facebook to those at Twitter, claiming, “Unlike Twitter, we do not have a policy of putting a warning in front of posts that may incite violence because we believe that if a post incites violence, it should be removed regardless of whether it is newsworthy, even if it comes from a politician.” He claims his company contacted the White House “to explain these policies as well.”

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