Colorado Woman Receives $2.4M From County After Being Wrongly Arrested While Naked

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Colorado Woman Receives $2.4M From County After Being Wrongly Arrested While Naked

Carolyn O’Neal, a Colorado woman, has won a $2.4 million settlement from Fremont County after being wrongly arrested while naked inside her apartment in 2014.

While residing at a sober living facility, O’Neal was unlawfully apprehended as she was preparing a bath. It’s reported that officers were carrying out a welfare check and used a key to enter her apartment, despite her responding to male deputies that she wasn’t going to hurt herself.

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Additionally, during the arrest, O’Neal was still naked while being carted off to jail, where she was put in a restraint chair for several hours. While in restraints, she was also tased twice and forced to wear a spit mask. After the incident, O’Neal sued the department, and recently, a jury ruled in her favor and awarded her $3.6 million last year, but the amount was later reduced by a federal judge to roughly $2.1 million, prompting appeals and settling at $2.4 million.

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