China Calls Joe Biden Administration ‘A New Window Of Hope’ For US Relations

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China Calls Joe Biden Administration ‘A New Window Of Hope’ For US Relations

Officials in China are ready to see Donald Trump vacate his seat as they call the Joe Biden administration “a new window of hope” for US relations. Throughout his term, Chinese officials say tensions have continuously escalated under Trump’s administration, especially since the coronavirus pandemic start.

With an optimistic look, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated in a recent interview, “China-US relations have come to a new crossroads, and a new window of hope is opening. We hope that the next US administration will return to a sensible approach, resume dialogue with China, restore normalcy to the bilateral relations, and restart cooperation.”

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Also, in a tweet posted by the Chinese Embassy in US on Tuesday (Jan. 5), they wrote, “We hope the US side will work with the Chinese side to focus on cooperation and manage differences, and bring bilateral relations back to the normal track at an early date.”

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