Gilbert Arenas Criticizes Rudy Gobert For Choosing Birth Of First Child Over NBA Playoff Game

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Former NBA player, Gilbert Arenas is receiving some backlash for criticizing the Timberwolves’ Rudy Gobert for missing a playoff game to present during the birth of his first child. 

The Defensive Player of the Year was absent for the second game in Denver as he had just welcomed his first child with his wife on Monday morning. Unfortunately, turbulent weather in Colorado prevented him from being able to catch the flight from Minnesota. Despite Gobert not being present for the game the Timberwolves were still able to pull off the win. 

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However, Arenas stated that Gobert made the wrong decision by choosing to be present for the birth of his child instead of playing in the second game of a potentially seven-game series. “It’s a baby bro, it’s gonna be there when you get back,” Arenas stated. “Whatever you think you’re about to do with the baby, he gonna be asleep. I get that you want to be with your wife and smiling and stuff … and, your good NBA healthcare insurance is because he playing.”

After his comments several people on social media began to weigh in on the topic and slam Arenas for making those statements. “There isn’t a single job I would have been okay with missing the birth of my children for. I applaud Rudy Gobert for truly knowing what is important in life. This is loser energy by Gilbert Arenas,” one X user said. “THIS Gilbert Arenas who abandoned his pregnant fiancée without communication for a month?? and moved to a new city without even telling his kids goodbye? Of course he’d say that. He doesn’t know shit about sh*t. Goofy a**,” another person added. 

Arenas has made a lot of controversial statements in the past. He recently received some backlash from the lgbtq+ community when he said he feels like it’s the most “unfair” group of people. 

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During the conversation with Vlad Tv, Arenas said, “lgbtq, I feel like it’s the most unfair group walking on the planet right now,” he said. “They have a playbook that they are only playing by, that they can only see. Nobody else gets to see this playbook but we’re being judged by everything that’s in this playbook, but we don’t know it.” 

Arenas went on to say how feels there’s no discussions happening in the world about what terms are appropriate to use. “There’s no open dialogue about what is appropriate and what’s not we only find out after we f*ck up and that’s unfair. That’s f*cling unfair you can’t do that. He went on to give an example of what he was talking about. “Just word and phrases like he, she and they. We don’t f*cling know. How do we know? You’re making it up as you go and it’s not like there’s a dictionary with updates.”

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