YouTuber Says He Almost Boarded The ‘Titan’ Submarine, Claims There Were Several Major ‘Malfunctions’ Days Before Implosion

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Jake Koehler, a YouTuber known as “Dallmyd,” is going viral after revealing that he was almost a passenger onboard the ‘Titan’ submarine that was found in pieces earlier this week after going dark. The YouTuber also revealed that before the deadly mission, the sub experienced several major “malfunctions” days before the implosion that killed all five people aboard.

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As we previously shared, the sub set out on a mission to see the 1912 RMS Titanic shipwreck , which now sits nearly 13,000 feet below the ocean surface, early Sunday morning (June 18). But, shortly after taking off, the sub lost all communications, prompting a multinational and days-long search and rescue effort.

Sadly, the latest submarine exploration ultimately resulted in the deaths of its five members aboard. The names of the five OceanGate passengers are: Hamish Harding, 58, Shahzada Dawood, 48, Suleman Dawood, 19, Stockton Rush, 61, and Paul-Henri Nargeolet, 77.

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Now prior to the fatal implosion, Koehler vlogged himself from inside the ‘Titan’ sub. During his now-haunting video, he shows his time onboard, and how the trip was canceled due to a series of major “malfunctions,” just days before the same vessel imploded and killed 5 people.

Koehler’s video, which is a little over 26 minutes, was posted on Friday (June 23), and in his vlog, he said, “If my dive wasn’t canceled, it could’ve been me inside that submarine today.”

Before getting into his own experience aboard the dangerous sub, he began to reveal how heartbroken he was over the deaths of the five crew members.

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While sharing a photo of himself and OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, who ultimately died inside of his creation, Koehler said, “It’s crazy to think if the weather cleared up and the conditions were perfect and Stockton looked up at me and said, ‘Do you wanna go?’ I would’ve done it. And my fate could’ve been just like the five who had lost their lives on that same submarine.”

Koehler continued to share clips from his time inside the cramped, 22-foot ‘Titan’ submarine. He then spoke on how the vessel went through a series of trials, in preparation of the big day it was set to hit the ocean floor to explore the Titanic wreckage.

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In the YouTuber’s video, an employee explained how the ‘Titan’ submarine is put threw an engineering dive, which helps to detect any malfunctions. During this dive, the team first began to notice issues.

The employee said, “Everybody’s ready to go and one of the computers, we’ve got two spheres, two computers, that control a lot of the thrusters and one of them was acting up a little bit. It was offline. They restarted it and it came back online but some of the functionality wasn’t exactly as we’d hoped. That, coupled with some winds and a little choppy seas, [is why] we decided to scrub the dive for today.”

OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush is then heard acknowledging the issues and and claiming that there could just be a “wiring problem” blocking the sub-controls from communicating with the motors. After reviewing and fixing things, all seemed to be good enough to conduct a 3,000-foo dive with passengers.

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On this trip, the YouTuber recorded the sub as it was being submerged. But soon after, Rush began to lose communication with the mothership, noting that fog had begun rolling in, making it dangerous to continue diving.

Koehler said because of the fog, he wan’t able to take the 13,000-foot trip. He said, “If the fog didn’t roll in and cancel the dive, who knows, maybe we would’ve left that platform, and maybe we would’ve imploded.” He added, “I didn’t know these people too well but they treated me very nicely, and I lost a few friends.” He concluded, “I think this is a big reminder, not only to myself but everyone, that life is very precious, and it can go away very quickly.”

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