Young Thug Caught Up In $6 Million Lawsuit By AEG For Booking Shows Outside Of Their Exclusive Concerts Agreement

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Young Thug is finding himself in more legal drama — but this time, it’s with AEG Presents, who are suing him for nearly $6 million after breaching their contractual agreement. According to court documents obtained by Hip Hop DX, the “Go Crazy” rapper is said to have signed a deal with the company in 2017 to give them exclusive rights to all of his concerts.

It’s unclear how long the contract was set out for, but according to the lawsuit, AEG later learned that Thugger had continued booking shows where he earned hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees and therefore violated his end of the deal. What’s more, the court docs claim that Thug was given a $5 million advance payment, but carelessly continued to profit from concerts that were not backed by AEG.

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Kathleen Jorrie, who is legally representing the firm, said in a statement, “Despite having granted AEG the exclusive right to promote Mr. Williams’ concert performances under the terms of the 2017 Artist Agreement, YSL and Mr. Williams immediately failed and refused to honor their respective obligations under the 2017 Artist Agreement by, among other things, disregarding AEG’s rights, performing concerts without AEG’s involvement, and retaining all proceeds generated therefrom.”

AEG claims that Thug agreed to put up several of his intellectual property rights as collateral to move ahead with the deal at the time, which the company now feels they are entitled to given that their contract was never fulfilled. AEG contends that they should “have the right to take control of the Young Stoner Life brands, portions of his publishing catalog, and the Young Thug trademark.”

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The case was initially expected to go to court on October 25, but given Thug’s arrest on RICO charges in May, a one-year extension was granted by a judge considering the unforeseen circumstances concerning the defendant. A new date has now been set for October 24, 2023, with AEG further mentioning that they are seeking at least $6 million in damages, the rights to several YSL-owned brands, and the Young Thug trademark.

AEG also want Thug to cover their attorney fees. 2023 is bound to be an interesting year for the 31-year-old, who will remain behind bars until January when he will appear in court for his RICO case.

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