Watch: British Couple Break Down Coronavirus Ordeal Better Than The News Media

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Watch: British Couple Break Down Coronavirus Ordeal Better Than The News Media

A British couple who were treated in a hospital in Japan after being diagnosed with coronavirus on a cruise ship, spent their days blogging their experience dealing with COVID-19.

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David and Sally Abel, from Northamptonshire, were passengers on the Diamond Princess when they contracted the virus. Many are praising them for giving more accurate details of the virus than healthcare professionals or the global media.

Coronavirus symptoms
The Abel’s revealed that they did not have the typical symptoms of sore throat or a fever, and felt pretty good, however, they did later experience shortness of breath, and were soon diagnosed with Pneumonia.

Since February, the couple were not allowed to return home until they both tested negative for the virus, which was conducted by a nasal swabs. They also underwent numerous tests, X-Rays and blood tests during their quarantine.

David Abel said he was “in denial” at first and had a slight cough and fever, but urges that others contact their health care professionals if they have symptoms. The Abel’s also questioned whether a two week quarantine is enough as they have been in quarantine longer and still tested positive.

Last night, David Abel posted a video revealing that they had returned to the U.K after “all the negative tests” for the virus and said it was “lovely to be back”.

Take a look at their video below for more information on COVID-19.

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