Wack 100 Alleges That There’s Video Evidence That The DA Tried To “Suppress” That Could Prove Tory Lanez’s Innocence

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Wack 100 claims that he has alleged footage that could possibly prove Tory Lanez’s innocence. However, fans believe if there was footage it wouldn’t been presented in court but according to Wack 100 the footage was “suppressed.”

This is so weird that y’all want him to be innocent so bad,” one person wrote. “I never knew y’all cared about TORY til this!!” “How much is Tory paying these people to just blatantly lie,” said another. 

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Nearly eight months after being found guilty, Tory Lanez was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the 2020 shooting of Megan Thee Stallion. Prosecutors were looking for Lanez to receive 13 years, but the judge sentenced the 31-year-old rapper to ten. While being sentenced, Tory Lanez shed light on this whole ordeal and shared a few words about the victim, Megan Thee Stallion. Lanez said in his statement that Meg is “someone I still care for dearly to this day, regardless of what she may think of me.” He also referred to Megan as his “friend.”

He continued to write in his statement on how him and Megan first bonded. “We both lost our mothers. We would sit there and drink, and drink until we got numb. He also spoke about the shooting and said, “I said some very immature things that I shouldn’t have said. I revealed some secrets that I shouldn’t have revealed.”

Megan Thee Stallion wasn’t present during his sentencing, but she did submit her own statement to the judge for it to be read. In the hand written letter, Megan Thee Stallion shared, “I’ve not experienced a single day of peace,” she wrote. She added, “He lied to anyone that would listen.” The letter continued to read of her saying, mercy is for people who show remorse and Tory Lanez has shown none. Her statement continued saying, “he not only shot me, he made a mockery of my trauma. He tried to position himself as a victim and set out to destroy my character and my soul. He lied to anyone that would listen and paid bloggers to disseminate false information about the case on social media. He released music videos to damage my character and continue his crusade. At first he tried to deny the shooting ever happened. Then, he attempted to place blame on my former best friend. In his tantrum of lies, he’s blamed the system, blamed the press and, as of late, he’s using his childhood trauma to shield himself and avoid culpability.”

RELATED: Tory Lanez’s New Petition To Revoke 10-Year Sentence Reportedly Cites Driver’s New Statement, Childhood Trauma, And Possible Deportation Being Discriminatory

As we know, Tory Lanez and Megan Thee Stallion were involved in a controversial incident that occurred in July 2020. Megan Thee Stallion accused Tory Lanez of shooting her in the feet after a dispute following a party. Tory Lanez was subsequently charged with felony assault in connection with the incident. The case garnered significant media attention and sparked discussions about violence against women, gun control, and celebrity behavior.

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