UPDATE: 4 Police Officers Fired Following Death Of George Floyd

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UPDATE: 4 Police Officers Fired Following Death Of George Floyd

During a Tuesday press conference, it was announced that four Minneapolis police officers involved in the incident that is believed to have led to the death of George Floyd have been fired!

RELATED: “Please, I Cannot Breathe!:” Minneapolis Man Dies After White Cop Cuts Off His Airway By Kneeling On His Neck

Chief Medaria Arradondo and Mayor Jacob Frey made the announcement this afternoon. Frey said he saw the entire video and called it “wrong on every level.”

“I believe what I saw and what I saw was wrong at every level. This does not reflect the values that Chief Arradondo has worked tirelessly to instill. It does not represent the training we’ve invested in or the measures we’ve taken to ensure accountability. Being black in America should not be a death sentence,” Frey said.

As we previously reported, George Floyd was arrested Sunday night for an alleged “forgery” at a deli. Officers say he resisted arrest before one of the officers kneeled on Floyd’s neck. Floyd can be seen pleading while saying “please, I cannot breathe.” As the arresting officer continued to kneel on his next, the other officers did absolutely nothing to get the cop off of Floyd. Minutes into the clip, the victim loses consciousness. He was later pronounced died at Hennepin Healthcare.

As of right now, none of the officers have been formally identified, but the officer with his knee on Floyd’s neck is believed to be Officer Derek Chauvin.

Press Play Below For More:

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