Trump Says It Was “Terrific” That Americans Caught The Coronavirus

WASHINGTON, DC - DECEMBER 08: US President Donald Trump speaks at the Operation Warp Speed Vaccine Summit on December 08, 2020 in Washington, DC. The president signed an executive order stating the US would provide vaccines to Americans before aiding other nations. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

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President Trump claimed it was terrific that many Americans have contracted the coronavirus during a White House event on Tuesday.

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While being questioned by reporters at a White House coronavirus event, he stated that the vaccine was his administration’s goal to curb COVID-19 and said 15 percent of Americans have contracted the coronavirus then called it “terrific.” Based on the statement, it seemed the president was describing herd immunity in his own words.

“That was number one because that was the way it ends, plus you do have immunity, you develop immunity over a period of time. And I hear we’re close to 15%. I’m hearing that, and that’s terrific, that’s a very powerful vaccine in itself.”


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Trump also said during the press conference that he will sign an executive order that will ensure that the United States government will prioritize distributing the vaccines to American citizens. At the end of the conference, he also urged his fellow Republicans to help him overthrow the election despite the voted being recounted and confirming President-elect Joe Biden’s win.

SOURCE: Business Insider 


Deja Monet: Born and raised in the Bronx. I write stories that will make you laugh, cry, or mad.