Trump Administration Urges Supreme Court To Kill Obamacare Amid Pandemic & Recession

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Trump Administration Urges Supreme Court To Kill Obamacare Amid Pandemic & Recession

Amid a worldwide pandemic and nationwide recession, the Trump administration is urging the US Supreme Court to wipe out the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. They claim the individual mandate is unconstitutional and that “the remainder of the ACA should not be allowed to remain in effect.”

The news of the Administration’s late-night court filing arrives on the same day as the government announcing that nearly half a million people who lost their health insurance due to the nationwide shutdown received coverage through

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Should the justices agree to kill the act, it would put an end to insurance coverage for an estimated 20 million Americans and nullify protections for any pre-existing conditions. With it remaining unclear if arguments will be heard before the November election, a hearing looks to occur sometime next term.

Nancy Pelosi responded to the move, taking to Twitter, stating, “In the dead of night, the Trump Administration has once again asked the Supreme Court to rip away the protections and benefits of the Affordable Care Act in the middle of the coronavirus crisis. #ProtectOurCare”

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