Tops Assistant Manager Says 911 Dispatcher Hung Up On Her During Mass Shooting Because She Was Whispering

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The assistant manager at the Tops location in Buffalo is reflecting on some of the moments during the tragic mass shooting at the supermarket where 10 people were killed. The assistant manager, whose name is Latisha was working during the shooting and says when she contacted 911 and the dispatcher hung up on her because she was whispering. 

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Latisha explained that she didn’t see much at all, because she dropped to the floor when she heard gunshots. “I waited for him to stop and he just wouldn’t stop. So I tried to call 911 and I was whispering because I would hear him close by and when I whispered on the phone to 911, the dispatcher started yelling at me saying why are you whispering? You don’t have to whisper. And I’m trying to tell her like mam he’s in the store. He’s shooting he’s an active shooter, I’m scared for my life. And she said something crazy to me and then she hung up in my face. Then I had to call my boyfriend to tell him to call 911.” 

“I can’t sleep. I can eat a little bit, but I just keep hearing gunshots and just seeing the bodies,” the assistant manager said. She had reportedly been working with Tops for over a decade but spent the last three years at that Buffalo location. 

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As of right now, Latisha is saying she can’t even imagine returning to work after the terrifying incident. “I know a lot of the regulars,” Latisha said. “I know a lot of residents that come in there. I’ve been here for three years. That store is very important to that community. I didn’t realize how important it was until I started working there. They love that store. That is just a traumatic experience to have in that community like that.” 

Meanwhile, that dispatcher’s name has not been made public and if Latisha’s story is true, it is uncertain if the Buffalo police will address the matter.

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