Toddler Wakes Up At Her Own Funeral After Doctors Wrongly Declared She Had Died

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A toddler was declared dead by doctors, but relatives at her funeral later realized she was, in fact, alive, according to Fox News. 

Camila Roxana Martinez Mendoza, 3, was taken to Salinas de Hidalgo Basic Community Hospital in the central Mexican state of San Luis Potosí to be treated for dehydration on August 17, and then she was sent home from the hospital but soon the child’s condition became worst. Her parents took her back to the hospital, where her family claimed the doctors were negligent.

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“They wanted to give her (intravenous therapy). They took a long time to put oxygen on her,” Mary Jane said. “They didn’t put it on her because they couldn’t find her little veins; finally, a nurse-managed it.”

After about 10 minutes, she said, the staff removed the IV and took her to a separate, locked room to get some rest. “She still was hugging me,” said Mary Jane. “They took her away and told me, ‘You have to let her rest in peace.'”

But later, doctors told her Camila had died from dehydration.A funeral was arranged for her the next day. During the viewing, Mary Jane says she noticed the window of the glass coffin started fogging up.

She says other guests told her she must be hallucinating and shouldn’t open the lid.

But Camila’s paternal grandmother apparently went to get a closer look after seeing the toddler’s eyes moving and noticing there was a pulse. First responders rushed her to the hospital and began performing life-saving measures.

Unfortunately, they were unsuccessful, and Camila was pronounced dead from dehydration, metabolic failure, and cerebral edema — swelling in the brain.

“That was really where my baby was done. We are devastated because my girl was a very happy person. She got along with everyone, she didn’t single anyone out,” Mary Jane said. 

“We have many people on the ranch who support us because she was cherished.”

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Mary Jane says she is filing a lawsuit against the hospital, accusing the staff of negligence for allegedly declaring Camila dead too soon.

“What I really want is for justice to be served. I have no grudge against the doctors [who] went to extreme [measures],” she said. “I only ask that the doctors, nurses, and directors be changed so that it does not happen again.”

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