Surgeon General Warns Coronavirus Crisis Will ‘Get Bad’ This Week

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Surgeon General Warns Coronavirus Crisis Will ‘Get Bad’ This Week

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US Surgeon General Jerome Adams gave a warning on Monday that thing in regards to the coronavirus would get significantly worse this week, “I want America to understand — this week, it’s gonna get bad.”

“As the nation’s doctor, I’m here to help America understand where we need to respond to this,” Adams told the “Today” show, “And right now there are not enough people out there who are taking this seriously. A lot of people think this can’t happen to them,” he added.

“It’s important for people to know: You can get this disease, you can be hospitalized from this disease [and] you can die from this disease. But most importantly, you can spread it to your loved ones. So we need you to really lean in,” Adams reiterated.

He emphasized that in New York it is getting increasingly worse as people fail to stop the spread by staying indoors.

“When you look at what’s going on in New York … the numbers you see reflect what happened two weeks ago, People are waiting to see spread before they decide to get serious.”

“We don’t want Dallas or New Orleans or Chicago to turn into the next New York,” he added“It means everyone needs to be taking the right steps right now. And that means stay at home.”.

The surgeon general begged people to stay at home.

“Everyone needs to act as if they have the virus right now, test or no test, we need you to understand you could be spreading it to someone else or you could be getting it from someone else. Stay at home,” Adams said.


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