Surgeon Allowed To Practice Again Despite Branding Patients’ Livers With His Name

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Surgeon Allowed To Practice Again Despite Branding Patients’ Livers With His Name

A surgeon who was found guilty of branding his patients’ livers with his initials has been deemed fit to practice surgery again.

As we reported, back in 2017, Simon Bramhall, 53, pleaded guilty to two counts of assault for using a surgical laser to brand a patients’ liver with his initials at Birmingham’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital in 2013.

However, per the Daily Mail as of June 4, 2021, the. the medical board ruled that Bramhall’s sadistic antics did not impair his surgical ability and that he should be allowed to practice again.

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At the time of his arrest,

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital said that “The Trust is clear that Mr. Bramhall made a mistake in the context of a complex clinical situation and this has been dealt with via the appropriate authorities, including the Trust as his then-employer. We can reassure his patients that there was no impact whatsoever on the quality of his clinical outcomes.”

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