Shocking Footage Shows The Moment Samuel Sterling Was Hit by unmarked Michigan State Police Vehicle

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Shocking surveillance footage shows the moment a man was hit by an unmarked Michigan police car. The footage was reportedly released by the family’s attorney Ven Johnson during a press conference. 

The incident reportedly occurred on the morning of April 17 when Samuel Sterling, 25, was putting air in his tire in Kentwood when he was found by multiple agencies looking for him on felony warrants, authorities said. When approached by officers Sterling ran away and then the vehicle that was driving parallel to Sterling struck him, police said. He died later that day at the hospital, leaving behind three children. 

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During the press conference attorney Ben Crump and the family’s attorney, Ven Johnson spoke about the incident after the footage was released. “When he was on the ground, moaning, asking for help from the very people who were supposed to protect and serve him, it didn’t look like they gave him a helping hand, y’all,” said Crump. “They treated him like a criminal. They acted like the judge, the jury and the executioner. They do that too often in our community,” Crump added. “Haven’t we seen enough? Haven’t we seen enough?” questioned Johnson. 

Ben Crump also shared the footage to his Instagram with the caption reading: “It is unconscionable that Samuel was run over by a police officer’s vehicle in broad daylight. The Michigan State Police officers involved in Samuel’s death should be swiftly investigated for this preventable tragedy!” 

Former Kent County Commissioner and local activist Robert Womack also spoke. 

“This is two years, almost to the day, Ben Crump was in here for Patrick Lyoya,” said Womack, “We must not have did enough when it comes to Patrick Lyoya. We will not make the same mistake with Samuel Sterling. We will get justice!”

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“His last words to me were ‘Are you good?’ and ‘I love you too,'” his mom, Andrica Cage, said through tears at the podium. “He was my baby. He can’t never be replaced.” 

The announcement of Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s decision to investigate the case came one day after the death, bringing renewed hope to Sterling’s family for justice for Samuel.

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