Sex Therapist Says She Sleeps With Clients To Help Save Their Marriage

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Sex therapist Olivia Bentley has found the magical solution to saving people’s marriages – sleeping with her clients! How utterly innovative and unheard of. Who would have thought that having sex outside of marriage could actually help save it?  According to Bentley, women have actually asked her to perform sexual acts on their husbands or give them a “hall pass” to see her. Because clearly, the best way to address marital issues is by introducing infidelity into the mix. “I get physically involved with the majority of the people I see, I think that’s part of the appeal,” she told Kennedy News. 

“Some ladies say, ‘I don’t always want to be involved in this but I want to know who you are, I want to approve of you and I’m going to let him come and see you.'” But don’t worry, Bentley isn’t just about the physical aspect of things. No, no. She also supports her clients emotionally and gives them tips for a healthy sex life. Because nothing says “I care about your marriage” like sleeping with someone and then offering some generic advice about how to improve your sex life. It’s truly a winning combination.

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And let’s not forget that Bentley may not have official counseling qualifications, but she does have a master’s degree in education. That has somehow made her an expert in the intricacies of relationships and marriage dynamics. Bentley formerly worked at Nevada’s Moonlite BunnyRanch, a popular brothel, so she may be telling the truth when she says she can give give tips on how to save a marriage — after she sleeps with your man, of course. 

Oh, and let’s not forget Bentley’s stint at a legal brothel. Because that’s definitely where you learn all the best techniques for saving marriages. I’m sure all those sex workers have plenty of wisdom to impart on the delicate art of monogamy.

But hey, Bentley has some strong opinions too. She believes that women who refuse sex after marriage are being unfair to their husbands. Because clearly, consent and personal boundaries don’t matter when it comes to keeping a man happy. It’s all about sacrificing your own needs and desires for the sake of the holy institution of marriage.

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And let’s not forget Bentley’s criticism of those who shame men for seeking sexual fulfillment elsewhere. Because why should we hold men accountable for their actions and expect them to be faithful in their relationships? It’s much easier to blame women for not satisfying their partners and encourage them to seek pleasure elsewhere.

So there you have it, folks. According to Olivia Bentley, sleeping with clients is the secret to saving marriages. Because who needs trust, communication, and mutual respect when you can just cheat instead? Truly groundbreaking stuff.

Maurice Cassidy: Maurice is a writer and news manager originally from Germany. He has a Bachelor's in Film and a Master's in Film & Communication. Maurice is a self-proclaimed reader by day and reality TV watcher by night, with a passion for all things pop culture.