Scientists Want To Send 335 Million Sperm Samples To The Moon To Prevent Human Extinction

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Scientists Want To Send 335 Million Sperm Samples To The Moon To Prevent Human Extinction

American scientists are wanting to send 335 million sperm samples (and ova) to the moon in order to prevent human extinction, should Earth implode from a nuclear war, natural disasters, asteroids, etc.

It’s reported that mechanical engineers have already begun to prepare plans for repopulation, in what’s being called a “modern global insurance policy.” Pulling inspiration from Noah’s Ark, they’ve proposed to bank sperm, seed and egg samples in what would be known as the “ark,” and what would lie beneath the moon’s surface.

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So instead of two of every animal, scientists will send a solar-powered moon ark to cryogenically store 335 million samples of frozen seed, spore, sperm and egg from 6.7 million Earth species (using 50 samples from each species). It’s estimated that it’d  take about 250 rocket launches to accomplish the mission. #Socialites, thoughts on this?

Álvaro Díaz-Flores Caminero, a University of Arizona doctoral student leading the thermal analysis for the project, says, “What amazes me about projects like this is that they make me feel like we are getting closer to becoming a space civilization, and to a not-very-distant future where humankind will have bases on the moon and Mars. Multidisciplinary projects are hard due to their complexity, but I think the same complexity is what makes them beautiful.”

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