Pro Trump Supporters Storm Capitol Building

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Pro Trump Supporters Storm Capitol Building

As tensions heighten, a group of Pro-Trump protesters swarmed the U.S. Capitol building on Wednesday as Congress was counting the Electoral College votes.

Thousands of Donald Trump supporters showed up to show him support in his final days. Trump has been persistent in his claims that the election is fraudulent following Joe Biden’s victory. Videos shared to Twitter and Instagram show that the police have little to no control over the growing crowds.

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According to The Hill, the building has been locked down with multiple congressional buildings being evacuated due to the violent protests.

“Protesters are charging toward the Captiol steps. Some tried to scale the construction structures and have been tackled by police. They want to enter the building and are making attempts at intervals. Capitol police trying to hold them back,” tweeted Rebecca Tan.

It is not clear when the lockdown will be lifted.

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