President Trump Claims CDC Director Is Wrong About Masks And Vaccines

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President Trump said during a White House press conference on Wednesday that Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr.Robert Redfield provided the wrong information about masks and vaccines to Congress.

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Earlier today, Redfield told a Senate subcommittee that the public will not receive a vaccine until Sumer 2021, and masks are a better preventative measure against COVID-19. He states, “There will be a vaccine that will initially be available sometime between November and December, but very limited supply and will have to be prioritized … If you’re asking me when is it going to be generally available to the American public so we can begin to take advantage of the vaccine to get back to our regular life, I think we’re probably looking at the late second quarter, third quarter 2021.”

However, President Trump claimed Redfield made an “error”  and said the government “will be able to distribute at least 100 million vaccine doses by the end of 2020 and a large number much sooner than that. Under no circumstance will it be as late as the doctor said.”

“When I called up Robert today, I said to him, ‘What’s with the mask?’ He said, ‘I think I answered that question incorrectly.’ I think maybe he misunderstood it, I mean you knowyou have two questions — maybe misunderstood both of them.”

The president also asked his coronavirus advisor, Dr. Scott Atlas, to confirm that Redfield was wrong about the speed and distribution of vaccines. Atlas says 700 million vaccine doses will be administered by March 2021.

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Trump states once the vaccine is finished, it will be administered to the public immediately despite Redfield’s statement about masks.

SOURCE: New York Post


Deja Monet: Born and raised in the Bronx. I write stories that will make you laugh, cry, or mad.