Police Permit Anti-Abortion Demonstrators To Paint ’Black Preborn Lives Matter’ Outside Planned Parenthood

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Police Permit Anti-Abortion Demonstrators To Paint ’Black Preborn Lives Matter’ Outside Planned Parenthood

Police recently permitted anti-abortion students to paint the phrase “Black Preborn Lives Matter” outside of a Planned Parenthood in downtown Baltimore.

According to Fox5, Students from the for Life of America (SFLA) partnered with the Frederick Douglass Foundation and Human Coalition Action, to paint the statement.

Police showed up and did not issue any fines or request a removal.

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“[The message] will remain here unless the city wants to come take it out, and that would be outside the police department,” Police Sgt. Vincenzo Julio said.

The city Department of Transportation and other local leaders officials must approve such statements prior to execution.

Michele Hendrickson, the East Coast regional director for SFLA, showed his appreciation for the officer’s allowing them to demonstrate.

“We’re thankful for the fair and equal treatment we’ve received in being allowed to practice our right to free speech in this city,” Hendrickson said.

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