Pete Buttigieg Blasts Trump, Claims Governors Are Better Leaders Amid Coronavirus

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Pete Buttigieg Blasts Trump, Claims Governors Are Better Leaders Amid Coronavirus

Former presidential candidate and Mayor of South Bend, Indiana Pete Buttigieg is slamming President Donald Trump for his lack of leadership amid the coronavirus crisis, claiming governors are handling things far better.

Speaking with TMZ Live on Wednesday (April 1), Buttigieg says, “There’s tons of wonderful leadership that’s happening at state and local level. Andrew Cuomo is a great example of that. A lot of my fellow mayors are an example of that right now. Providing great leadership, but if anything they’re reminding us why we need a president who’s decent, compassionate, and fact-oriented. And that’s the kind of president Joe Biden would be..”

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He adds, “It feels like we don’t have a president in so many important ways. Part of the job is just calling the American people together, setting the right tone, calling us to our higher values, and making sure good information gets out there; and we’re just not seeing that from this president. There are some people around him that I think are doing their best, [like] Dr. Fauci.”

In addition to praises from Buttigieg, New York Governor Cuomo has gotten tons of praise from other politicians and US residents on his quick responses and handling on the virus crisis.

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