Pastor Reportedly Peed On Woman During Delta Flight

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Pastor Reportedly Peed On Woman During Delta Flight

A Delta passenger woke up horrified to discover a well-known pastor peeing on her.

Alicia Beverly said she fell asleep in the rear of a red-eye flight on Monday from Las Vegas to Detroit before she was suddenly woken by a strange feeling.

“It felt warm, like on the side of me I felt something warm,” Beverly said to WJBK.

“I jump up and I seen his private area out and I screamed and that woke everybody up,” Beverly added. “By that time I actually looked at him and I see him shake himself off and I’m like this man just peed on me! I looked and there was a puddle of pee in the seats!”

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Fellow passengers rushed to help her and restrained the pastor, but Beverly was forced to sit in her urine soaked clothes for the remainder of the flight.

Fox 2 Detroit would only identify the urinator as “a well-known pastor from North Carolina” whose “camp has decided not to comment on the story.”

Apparently, the pi**y pastor had a reaction to his sleep medication. He was taken into custody, but was not charged.

Since the incident, Beverly has suffered from anxiety.

“I left work yesterday because I couldn’t stay but I had to tell them why I needed to leave. It was a lot,” she said. “My anxiety was really high literally. Since then I have only gotten 4 hours of sleep.”

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