Ozzy Osbourne Reacts Internet Death Hoax Videos That Are Going Viral Online: ‘I’m Not Dead’

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Ozzy Osbourne, has recently found himself at the center of a viral internet hoax claiming his demise. However, the legendary rocker has come forward to address these rumors, assuring fans that he is very much alive and determined to continue performing.

In a recent episode of The Osbournes podcast, Ozzy Osbourne, along with his daughter Kelly and wife Sharon, candidly discussed the clickbait nature of these videos and expressed their frustration with the individuals behind them.
During the podcast episode, Ozzy Osbourne emphatically declared, “I’m not dead. I’m not going any-f—ing-where. And I’m gonna go up and do some more gigs before I’m finished anyway.” The rock icon’s statement aimed to put an end to the false rumors and reassure his fans that he is still very much active in the music industry.

In a lighthearted moment, Ozzy Osbourne quoted Monty Python when discussing a YouTube video titled “Celebrities Who Have Died Today,” which featured his picture. He humorously remarked, “I’m not dead. I’m not really dead… Just a little flesh wound.” This clever reference showcased his sense of humor and ability to brush off the hoax with a touch of sarcasm.

While Ozzy Osbourne’s daughter, Kelly, found the death rumors “really rude,” the rock icon shed light on the clickbait nature of the viral video. He explained, “What they do is, they kind of say you’re dead-ish. It’s kind of weird the way they word it.” This strategic wording allows the creators of these videos to avoid potential lawsuits while still attracting attention and generating views. Ozzy’s astute observation highlights the deceptive tactics employed by those behind the hoax.

Sharon Osbourne, Ozzy’s wife, expressed her disdain for the individuals responsible for the viral death hoaxes, referring to them as “sick f—ers.” Her comment underscores the darker side of the internet, where some individuals exploit the fame and reputation of celebrities for their own gain. Despite this, Ozzy Osbourne remains resilient and determined to continue entertaining his fans, undeterred by the actions of a few malicious individuals.

The recent death hoax comes at a time when Ozzy Osbourne has faced several health challenges. In February, he canceled all upcoming performances and announced his retirement from touring due to a spinal injury. Sharing the news on Instagram, he described it as “one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to share.” Despite these setbacks, Ozzy’s determination to continue performing shines through, proving that he is not ready to hang up his rock ‘n’ roll boots just yet.

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Ozzy is among the group of other celebrities who have become victim of this death hoax. Earlier this year, it was reported that internet sensation Lil Tay had died along with her brother. However, her family later released a statement to clarify reports. Bachelorette star Josh Seiter also denied rumors in august following similarly rumors.

While we don’t think these hoax will stop anytime soon, weee glad more celebrities are quickly speaking out.

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