Nicole Young Wants To Question Mistresses About Dr. Dre Financing Their Lifestyle

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Nicole Young wants to question Dr. Dre’s three alleged mistresses about his finances to see if he provided them with expensive gifts along with funding their lifestyle.

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Young says that the women were heavily involved with Dre during their marriage and she wants to question them for depositions. According to TMZ, court documents state that the mistresses’ lawyer is trying to delay the deposition until the prenup is officially confirmed and sealed. However, Dre’s estranged wife wants answers immediately because their comments can affect spousal support and the validity of the prenuptial agreement.

She also claims that one of the mistresses bought a home for $2.15 million in 2019 and she wants to know if Dr. Dre helped with the finances.

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As we previously reported, Dr. Dre recently suffered from a brain aneurysm and is currently in the recovery stages. Prior to the health diagnosis, the hip hop mogul agreed to pay Young $2 million for temporary spousal support along with the $293, 306 she’s receiving per month.




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