New Jersey ER Doctor Dies In Husband’s Arms After Contracting COVID-19

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New Jersey ER Doctor Dies In Husband’s Arms After Contracting COVID-19

New Jersey ER doctor Frank Gabrin passed away in his husband’s arms on Tuesday (Mar 31) after contracting coronavirus (COVID-19).

Despite knowing his chances of infection were great, having survived cancer two times and treating ill patients, Gabrin continued working, and a week after his diagnosis, he passed with his husband, Arnold Vargas, at his side, who’s also battling the virus.

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Speaking with CNN’s Chris Cumoo, who has tested positive himself, Gabrin’s friend, Debra Vaselech Lyons, says, “It’s not about the outcome, you don’t get to save every patient, but it’s about what you do with the outcome. He lost his life needlessly because if he’d had the equipment — he’s a professional, he knew how to protect himself. We need to make something good come from this.”

She continues, “It’s like asking a soldier to go to the frontline and giving them nothing. Nothing to do their job.” She adds, “I don’t think we are seeing that we have selfish healthcare workers right now, they’re doing what they can even though they are putting themselves and most importantly their families at risk as well.”

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