Lip-Shaped Phone Accessory Allows Romantic Partners To Kiss Miles Apart

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A new cellphone accessory allows romantic partners to kiss each other even when they are miles apart from each other.

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The Remote Kiss, a new cellphone accessory developed in China, reportedly allows romantic partners to experience kissing regardless of distance. The product is targeted mostly at long-distance couples, and according to a report by Oddity Central, the accessory relies on pressure sensors, actuators, and soft silicone to imitate the user’s kisses from any location in the world as long as their partner has their own device and an internet connection.

Although it’s been promoted and available on the online marketplace Taobao, the product went viral on social media after users uploaded photos of the kissing device. However, the product only works if it is connected to a phone’s charging port and the user connects the devices through Remote Kiss’s app. Additionally, the app will ask both users for consent before use.

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The device was invented by Jiang Zhongli, who initially created the project during his years as a student at the Changzhou Vocational Institute of Mechatronic Technology. He applied for a patent for the device in 2019, and he said he was surprised that his patent became very popular after it expired this year. Additionally, he was inspired by the idea while he was in a long-distance relationship with his girlfriend.

“In my university, I was in a long-distance relationship with my girlfriend so we only contacted each other by phone, that’s where the inspiration of this device originated,”

After the device went viral on social media, some users believed it would not be used for its intended purposes.

The outlet said there are similar devices such as “Kissinger” but it drew controversy because it allowed you to kiss strangers and gave users the options to upload their kisses to share with others.

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