Mississippi House Of Representatives Vote To Remove Confederate Emblem From State Flag

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The Mississippi House of Representatives has voted to remove the Confederate battle emblem from the state flag.

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On Saturday afternoon, the Rules Committee said a commission will be enforced to create a new state flag that will not include the Confederate battle emblem. Among the voters, the committee stated they will include the phrase “In God we Trust” on the new flag design and Mississippi residents will have the chance to decide on the final design in November.

The bill was passed in an 85 to 34 vote and will be moved to the State Senate in hopes of receiving two-thirds of approval.

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Gov. Tate Reeves made a statement on Twitter that he will sign the bill once it is passed by legislation. He tweets, “The legislature has been deadlocked for days as it considers a new state flag. The argument over the 1894 flag has become as divisive as the flag itself and it’s time to end it. If they send me a bill this weekend, I will sign it.”


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