Mike Pence Defies White House Rules, Refuses To Wear Mask

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Mike Pence Defies White House Rules, Refuses To Wear Mask

Vice President Mike Pence will not b going into self-quarantine or wearing a face mask despite his press secretary testing positive for coronavirus on Friday and the white house deploying new policies that everyone must wear a mask on the premises.

A memo went out in the White House noting that “As an additional layer of protection, we are requiring everyone who enters the West Wing to wear a mask or facial covering.”

However, on Monday Pence, was seen without a mask once again, but, he will be “maintaining distance for the immediate future” from Donald Trump.

A rep for Pence said that the vice president “will continue to follow the advice of the White House Medical Unit and is not in quarantine.”
“Additionally, Vice President Pence has tested negative every single day and plans to be at the White House tomorrow.”
According to John Hopkins University, there were nearly 80,000 deaths and over 1.3 million confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. as of Sunday.

As we reported,  Donald Trump confirmed on Friday that Pence’s press secretary, Katie Miller had tested positive for the virus. He confirmed that Pence had recent contact with her.

“She’s a wonderful young woman, Katie, she tested very good for a long period of time and then all of a sudden today she tested positive,” Trump said.

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