McDonald’s Apologizes After Store In China Displayed Sign Banning Black People

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McDonald’s Apologizes After Store In China Displayed Sign Banning Black People

There has been major racial tension between Africans and locals in China, even more since the global outbreak of the novel coronavirus. Due to recent warnings from Chinese officials about the rising number of imported coronavirus cases, it has stoked anti-foreigner sentiment, causing some Africans to get turned away from many places including local business and even their homes. According to CNN, Africans in the southern Chinese city have been evicted from their homes by landlords and stopped from entering hotels, despite many claiming to have no recent travel history or known contact with Covid-19 patients.

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Just recently, a Mcdonald’s restaurant in China displayed a sign banning black people from the premises. The note, which circulated on social media, said the McDonald’s location in Guangzhou has “been informed that from now on black people are not allowed to enter the restaurant.”

Following a wave of backlash, McDonald’s has come out to apologize. “As a brand, as a company and as more than 2.2 million people serving nearly 120 countries around the world, this is not representative of our inclusive values,” a spokeswoman told Insider.

“Immediately upon learning of an unauthorized communication to our guests at a restaurant in Guangzhou, we immediately removed the communication and temporarily closed the restaurant.” The spokesperson said that during the temporary closure, staff will be retrained.

As BBC notes, Guangzhou is a hub for African traders buying and selling goods and is home to one of China’s largest African communities. The Guangdong provincial government has responded to concerns about discrimination by calling China and Africa good friends, partners and brothers, the new site notes while adding they’re “working promptly to improve” its way of operating.

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