Man Suffers With Three Day Erection After Taking Stimulant For Bulls

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A man from Tamaulipas, Mexico suffered for three days with an erection after he took a sexual stimulant for bulls.

According to Metro UK, the unidentified man checked himself into the Specialist Hospital 270 in Reynosa to receive emergency surgery when his condition worsened. Doctors said the patient took a sexual stimulant to help breed bull so he could enjoy his date with a 30-year-old woman.

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‘He had taken a sexual stimulant which he had bought in Veracruz, used by farmers in that region to invigorate bulls for insemination.’

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The patient traveled to Veracruz to purchase the drug before his date but ended up suffering from the three-day erection. There were no further updates on his condition after the surgery. A similar incident happened in the United Kingdom where 41-year-old Elliott Rossiter was addicted to painkillers and ended up with a painful erection in October 2016.

‘It wasn’t sexual in any way at all and I wasn’t feeling aroused. ‘I’ve never had a problem like this before. ‘It was really embarrassing.’

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Deja Monet: Born and raised in the Bronx. I write stories that will make you laugh, cry, or mad.