Man Killed By Rooster While Heading To A Local Cockfight

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An Indian man has died after he was attacked by his rooster while they were on their way to a cockfight.

According to KTLA, Saripalli Chanavenkateshwaram Rao,50, was cut in the neck with a blade tied to the rooster’s claw last Wednesday. After the attack, Rao was transported to a local hospital where he later died of a stroke in the Andhra Pradesh state.

Authorities reported that Rao was a regular attendee of local cockfights in Pragadavaram village, and was en route to enter his rooster in a match. However, the bird tried to break free from Rao’s possession and it started to attack him with his claws.

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No arrests were made at the scheduled cockfight. The practice of cockfighting has been outlawed since 1960 but it remains to be an ongoing problem throughout the country.

“The offenses have been made very clear and explained to the district and state authorities, but they choose to turn a blind eye towards it. It is not just for entertainment that these animals are made to fight, but it is (also) due to the heavy betting and gambling that goes on in the garb of these events,”-Gauri Maulekhi, Trustee for People For Animals Foundation

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