Man Develops Rare Allergic Reaction After Stepping Out Of Hot Shower

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A Colorado man who recently moved from Micronesia almost died after he stepped out of a hot shower into his cold bathroom due to an allergic reaction.

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According to the New York Post, the man’s family found him lying on the floor covered in hives as he had difficulty breathing. The Journal of Emergency Medicine reported the 34-year-old man recently moved from the tropical environment of Micronesia and previously experienced hives due to the cold air but never developed anaphylaxis.

“He required two doses of intramuscular epinephrine and was ultimately started on an epinephrine infusion. He was admitted to the intensive care unit for anaphylaxis monitoring and was found to have a positive ice cube test, reinforcing the suspected diagnosis”

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After he was transported to a local hospital, doctors diagnosed cold urticaria, an allergic reaction where the skin comes in contact with cold temperatures. The most common symptom is rashes but rarely those affected can develop anaphylaxis.

He was told to avoid any exposure to cold water and was treated with antihistamine and steroids. Doctors also prescribed the man with an epi-pen for emergencies.

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