Lil Durk Reacts To Donald Trump Speaking On The Violence In Chicago: ‘It’s Violence Everywhere’

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During a recent interview with MSNBC, Chicago rapper, Lil Durk weighed in on Donald Trump previously speaking on the violence in the city. 

“I really don’t pay it no mind because it’s violence everywhere,” Lil Durk shared. “You can get self defense everywhere, you can kill anywhere, you can stab anywhere, you can choke anywhere, you can kidnap anywhere. Every city has their moment of the rates. Like if you look up right now who has the most murder rate I bet you ain’t Chicago probably. So now the story transpired to that city so that’s why I never really commented on it because you know every city has its day.” 

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As we previously reported Donald Trump ad spoken on the violence in Chicago a few times. In 2020 the former president said the city is “worse than Afghanistan” or any war zone that the U.S. is in. 

He previously made the comments during a law enforcement roundtable at the White House where the president made his clear opposition to defunding police and attacked Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden for supporting police reform.

During that year, Trump sent a letter to the mayor of Chicago calling on them to “urge action on the devastating violence in Chicago.”

“Your lack of leadership on this important issue continues to fail the people you have sworn to protect,” the letter read. “I am concerned it is another example of your lack of commitment to the vulnerable citizens who are victims of this violence and a lack of respect for the men and women in law enforcement.”

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In a speech on police reform earlier during that time Trump pointed to the Chicago Police Department’s murder clearance rate. “47% of all murders in Chicago and 68% of all murders in Baltimore went without arrests last year. Americans want law and order. They demand law and order,” Trump stated.

The Chicago Police Department confirmed in a statement at the time that the murder clearance rate for 2019 stood at 53%.

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