Kardashian Family Will Not Follow Caitlyn Jenner’s Campaign Trail

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The Kardashians have reportedly decided not to hit the campaign trail in support of Caitlyn Jenner due to political differences and other factors.

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Before her announcement on Friday, Caitlyn Jenner gathered the sisters together to discuss her campaign so they wouldn’t be surprised when it was revealed to the public. However, she says she doesn’t expect them to show their full support because of their opposing political views and the divorce between Caitlyn and Kris Jenner.

TMZ reports the sisters do not want to get in the middle when it comes to their parents and they apparently still have some hard feelings about the divorce.

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A source close to the family says they will not publically endorse anyone else in support of Caitlin. Jenner made the announcement amid a petition that was created to have Gov. Gavin Newsome removed from office. She said Californians are now facing “a now-or-never opportunity to fundamentally fix our state before it’s too late.”


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