Jennifer Aniston Speaks Out And Condemns Antisemitism After Seemingly ‘Liking’ Jamie Foxx’s ‘Fake Friends’ Message

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Jennifer Aniston is making it clear about where she stands!

This Saturday morning, the actress released a statement to clarify her social media activity after being accused of “liking” Jamie Foxx’s seemingly “antisemitic” message. Aniston said in her Instagram Story, “This really makes me sick. I did not ‘like’ this post on purpose or by accident,” Aniston, 54, wrote. “And more importantly, I want to be clear to my friends and anyone hurt by this showing up in their feeds — I do NOT support antisemitism. And I truly don’t tolerate HATE of any kind. Period.”

As we previously reported, hours earlier, Foxx, 55, shared a post that read, “They killed this dude name Jesus … They’ll do to you???!” he wrote on both his Instagram and Instagram Story, alongside “Fake Friends” and “Fake Love” hashtags. To some, it was offensive and others took it as the entertainer spreading antisemitic rhetoric. Foxx deleted the post and has since issued an apology to his fans.

He said, “I want to apologize to the Jewish community and everyone who was offended by my post. I now know my choice of words have caused offense and I’m sorry. That was never my intent. To clarify, I was betrayed by a fake friend and that’s what I meant with “they” not anything more. Ionly have love in my heart for everyone. I love and support the Jewish community. My deepest apologies to anyone who was offended.”

What Is Antisemitism?

Antisemitism refers to hatred, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews based on their real or perceived Jewish heritage, ethnicity, or religious beliefs. This form of discrimination has deep historical roots and has manifested in various ways throughout history, ranging from verbal abuse and stereotypes to violent acts and systemic persecution. Antisemitism has existed for centuries, with evidence dating back to ancient times. Jewish communities have faced persecution, expulsion, and massacres, often fueled by religious, economic, or political motivations. Notable examples include the Spanish Inquisition, pogroms in Eastern Europe, and, most infamously, the Holocaust during World War II, where six million Jews were systematically murdered by the Nazis.

Antisemitism remains an unfortunate reality in our world, challenging our commitment to equality and human rights. Understanding the historical context and manifestations of antisemitism is crucial for combating this prejudice effectively.

More Celebrities Who Have Found Themselves In Similar Situations

This all comes nearly one year after Kanye West found himself nearly canceled for his antisemitic comments. West, 45, previously shared a post about his desire to go “death con 3 [sic]” on individuals of Jewish faith back in October 2022. After a massive wave of backlash and being dropped, and locked out of his social media accounts, he later apologized for his remarks.

He said at the time, “I will say I’m sorry for the people that I hurt with the ‘death con’ [comments],” the rapper said during the Wednesday, October 19, episode of Piers Morgan Uncensored. “I feel like I caused hurt and confusion. And I’m sorry for the families of the people that had nothing to do with the trauma that I had been through, and that I used my platform where you say hurt people hurt people. I was hurt.”


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