Japanese Adult Film Star Gives 3,000 Hugs To Break World Record

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An adult film star decided to become the “most hugged woman in the world” by hosting a 24-hour event where she hugged her fans in Japan.

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The event was hosted by Fukada Eimi,24, in the Shibuya section of Tokyo last Saturday at 6 p.m. According to NextShark, Eimi hugged 3,163 fans and allegedly took one three-hour and several ten-minute breaks. Eimi finished the event on Sunday at 6 p.m. and said she was “completely exhausted” the entire ordeal.

“This time, with 3,163 people, I was able to do my best for 24 hours with everyone’s help. Thank you very much,” she said at the end of the event. Throughout the intense hugging session, fans were charged 1,000 yen( $7) for smartphone photos and required to keep both arms at their sides or back since they were not allowed to return Fukada’s hugs.

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Due to Fukada’s popularity within the adult film industry and on YouTube, hundreds of people were stopped from lining up as it became too overcrowded for event organizers.

Two friends broke the world record for the longest continuous hug

In 2018, two friends, Will Jarvis and Joe Snape, broke the Guinness World Record for the longest recorded hug. Their brotherly embrace lasted 36 hours, 36 minutes, and 36 seconds between June 23rd and June 24th. The event occurred near the London South Bank, where the friends used the world record to raise money for the mental health charity Mind.

“Mental health problems have been for far too long not given the proper spotlight they deserve. We hope that by holding each other for over 34 HOURS, we will be showing the importance of simply showing a friend that you are there for them and, again, helping MIND continue their fantastic work.

The hug is not an attempt to trivialise mental health by suggesting that a hug is all people need to combat mental health. We are just trying to emphasise the importance of support, friendship and kindness – in a world where sometimes the significance of these things are overlooked.”

The friends came up with the idea three years ago and wanted to break the previous record and use their passion for mental health as a form of motivation. In total, they raised over £5,000 to support the charity.

Deja Monet: Born and raised in the Bronx. I write stories that will make you laugh, cry, or mad.