J.R Smith Responds To Howard Stern Saying Black NBA Players Don’t Show Love To Him: ‘I’m Sorry But What Basketball Players Listen To Him’

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Howard Stern’s recent comments about black NBA players not showing him any love is getting a lot of responses from some NBA stars. 

Former NBA baller, J.R Smith recently made a tweet and weighed in on the topic saying, “I’m sorry but what basketball player listens to him lol I don’t think I’ve met one! Black or not!” the former New York Knicks star tweeted on Saturday (May 6), which was in response to a viral tweet made by journalist Taylor Rooks. 

RELATED:Howard Stern Says Black NBA Players Ignore Him When He Sits Courtside Because He’s White

“Howard Stern is one of the most talented interviewers of all time,” Rooks wrote of the legendary shock jock on Friday (May 5). “With that being said, this is a ridiculous stance ? many of them simply have no idea who he is. And people not knowing you isn’t an insult.”

As we previously reported, expressed his hurt about the situation, saying members of the New York Knicks totally ignore him — and he thinks it’s because he’s white.

“Yeah, maybe they don’t like me. I don’t know. I’d like to think it’s a white thing, not my personality. I hope it’s racial. That’s all,” he said on his SiriusXM show earlier this week. He acknowledged that while they usually give him good seats at the game, when it comes to the actual players, it’s as if he’s not even there. “The Knicks have been very kind to me. They put me right in the front row. That’s when I knew I was famous.”

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“When I, you know, I have courtside, they put me courtside and the Black players won’t come over and say hello to me, but they go over to Spike Lee.” He continued by mentioning names of black celebrities who the NBA stars are more likely to approach, saying, “I’ll be sitting next to Tracy Morgan or Chris Rock. You know, they seat you where they seat you. And a lot of times when I’m there, I’m next to Tracy Morgan, who is so funny. And he’s sitting there and like, couple of the players will come over. They like give him that bro shake and stuff.”

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