Ivanka Trump Deletes Tweet After Calling Capitol Rioters ‘Patriots’

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Ivanka Trump quickly deleted her tweet after calling rioters ‘patriots’ as they infiltrated the Capitol building in Washington D.C.

RELATED STORIES: Pro-Trump Supporters Storm Capitol Building

Before deleting the tweet, Ivanka wrote the following: “American Patriots-any security breach or disrespect to our law enforcement is unacceptable. The violence must stop immediately. Please be peaceful.” She wrote the comment in response to her father telling  Trump supporters to support Capitol police and law enforcement.

However, CNN correspondent Kate Bennett caught wind of the tweet and said “You’re saying these people are ‘patriots’ ?? But Ivanka claimed she was misunderstood in the tweet and replied, “No. Peaceful protest is patriotic. Violence is unacceptable and must be condemned in the strongest terms.” 

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President Trump released a video statement asking the rioters to stop invading the Capitol building despite calling the election a “fraud” and said he “loved” those who were rioting as reported by PEOPLE.  As we previously reported, Trump supporters infiltrated the Capitol building after Congress confirmed President-elect Biden’s win and began to destroy the windows, and entered the chambers along with congressional chambers.

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