Ice Cube Says He’s ‘Proud’ America Elected Barack Obama But ‘Much Hasn’t Changed’

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In a new interview with Tucker Carlson, the former N.W.A rapper, opened up about how he doesn’t trust politicians and how much hasn’t changed in the world since Barack Obama was elected into office. 

In the beginning of the clip you can hear Ice Cube explaining why he doesn’t give money to politicians. “Politicians have hidden agendas, they owe a lot of people a lot of favors and the more money you give them then the more you’re listened to.” He then goes on to speak on when Barack Obama became president and his first initial thought was “this guy is going to be the guy.” 

RELATED: Ice Cube Speaks On Where He Stands With Kanye West & Says He ‘Learned A Lot’ After Antisemitic Rants

“For the first time I felt proud that America took that step so that was a moment in time but then you look around and years go by and not much changed for people I know and people I care about you know at the end of the day it’s still the same results.”

Also during the interview Cube explained that he hasn’t got the covid 19 vaccine and doesn’t plan on getting it. As we previously reported, reports surfaced back in Oct. 2021 that the rapper and actor was dropped from the Sony comedy Oh Hell No and that producers on the film reportedly asked for all cast members to be vaccinated in order to participate in production. Filming was planned to take place in Hawaii.

“I turned down a movie because I didn’t want to get the motherf**king jab,” Cube said, in a new episode of the Million Dollaz Worth of Game podcast, confirming reports. “I turned down $9 million. I didn’t want to get the jab. F**k that jab. F**k ya’ll for trying to make me get it. I don’t know how Hollywood feels about me right now.”

Adding, “Those motherf**kers didn’t give it to me because I wouldn’t get the shot. I didn’t turn it down. They just wouldn’t give it to me. The covid shot, the jab…I didn’t need it. I didn’t catch that shit at all. Nothing. F**k them. I didn’t need that s*it.”

RELATED: Ice Cube Says He’s ‘Glad’ Chris Tucker Didn’t Choose To Be A Part Of Next Friday Because Mike Epps ‘Is Funnier’

In 1989, Ice Cube left N.W.A due to creative and financial disputes and launched a successful solo career. His debut solo album, “AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted” (1990), was well-received critically and commercially. He continued to release successful albums throughout the 1990s, including “Death Certificate” (1991) and “The Predator” (1992).

Apart from his music career, Ice Cube transitioned into acting and made a name for himself in Hollywood. Some of his notable acting roles include “Boyz n the Hood” (1991), “Friday” (1995), “Three Kings” (1999), and “Barbershop” (2002). He also starred in and produced the hit comedy film “Are We There Yet?” (2005) and its sequel.

1 thought on “Ice Cube Says He’s ‘Proud’ America Elected Barack Obama But ‘Much Hasn’t Changed’”

  1. I’m sure after months spent watching sessions of Congress and the Senate seeing firsthand who was supporting and preventing what, you could see President Barack was basically in a cement box! The republicans couldn’t allow him to succeed on anything! His success would prove black people are capable of more than jokes, twerking, profane music about drugs, guns and wars within the race!
    When are you, Busta, Ice-T, Jay Z, Drake and whoever else has the most followers going to start a ‘Rappers Coalition’ with a goal of using your POWER to reeducate your peeps. Teach them to be proud to put down their guns and pick up a book to educate themselves! Stop infighting and start collaborating on ways to come together peacefully to help unify and lift your community. Make being a family man in the home married to the mother of your children something to be proud of and aspire to! Get a job or start a business, stop spending their money on drugs, sneakers, and gold chains. Show them how to invest in real estate (I can teach you/them how to acquire properties without good credit, bank scrutiny, or pay stubs) so they create generational wealth! The Coalition could show that we are the most powerful group of voters (more powerful politically than Taylor Swift) if we just get together and stop fighting with and killing each other! One man nor one woman can do it alone yet with all of you and your fan bases on one accord the world would finally see why the powers that be have bred us not to work together! We showed a glimpse of our united power when we elected President Obama just imagine what positive changes we can make when we align on a regular basis! When you’re ready for permanent positive changes, Michael Jackson wrote a song, start with the man in the mirror!
    Help me bring our people together and end our oppression once and for all! We were Kings and Queens when they brought us here! Now it’s time for us to start acting like kings and queens, educating our princes and princesses, and realizing the power of a unity!


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